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国際交流「第56回 秋の茶会」無料招待のお知らせ(2023/10/25)

We're fully booked.
Thank you.

2023年123(日)に、高松屋島ライオンズクラブ主催の「第56回 秋の茶会」が玉藻公園の披雲閣で開催されます。お抹茶や季節の和菓子が振舞われます。また、生け花や秋の日本庭園、歴史ある日本家屋を見学することもでき、日本の伝統文化に触れるいい機会です。ぜひこの機会に、日本のお茶文化体験してみませんか?

 We wish to extend a special invitation to foreign residents in Takamatsu to enjoy ceremonial green tea and sweets served in the traditional manner while contemplating the beautiful scenery of Tamamo Park.

 It would be good opportunity to know about Japanese tea culture, please join in!


第56回 秋のお茶会チラシ(日本語).pdf

Tea Ceremony in Tamamo Park 2023 flyer(English)


申込みはこちら(Apply Here)

Takamatsu International Association
1-11-63 Bancho Takamatsu-city, Kagawa, 760-0017
Google Map
TEL: 087-837-6003
FAX: 087-837-6005
E-Mail: tia@kgw.enjoy.ne.jp

Office hours:
Weekday & weekend is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Closed on Mondays (In the case of a national holiday, closed on Tuesday )
Please refer our detail office hours as below.
It is closed on national holiday scince Jan.1.2016.