HOME > 外国人支援事業 > 高松市私費外国人留学生学習支援事業
This program aims to facilitate a smooth start to studying in Japan by providing study grants to self-financed international students through the Takamatsu International Association (TIA).
To be eligible for the study support grant, one must meet all of the conditions listed below and be recommended by their university or equivalent institution.
(1)高松市内に居住し、大学院、大学、短期大学、高等専門学校又は専門学校(以下「大学等」という。)で勉学している、「留学」の在留資格を有する私費外国人留学生。ただし、奨学金を受給している者は除く。Be a self-financed international student with 'Student' residence status living in Takamatsu City and studying at a university or similar institution (excluding scholarship recipients).
(2)1年以上留学予定の者Plan to study abroad for more than one year
(3)協会SNSに登録又はフォローする者Follow the TIA on social media platforms.
(4)協会が実施するイベント等に参加する意思がある者Be willing to participate in TIA events and related activities.
(5)香川県内で就職を希望している者Wish to seek employment in Kagawa Prefecture in the future.
【支給額】Grant Amount
Each applicant may apply once during the first year of study abroad, and the grant amount shall be 10,000 yen per person.
The applicant must complete the necessary sections on Application Form 1, attach a copy of their student identification card, and submit it to the head of their university or equivalent institution.
【推薦締切日・支給日】Recommendation Deadline and Disbursement Date
【申請書類】Application Documents
Please download the following documents.
様式2 学校推薦書類等.doc 【Form 2 School Recommendation Documents】
別紙:学校用推薦名簿(Excel).xls 【Appendix: Nomination List (for schools to fill out)】